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506 products in Books, Music, Movies & TV

Showing: 49 - 60 of 506 products

Imray Chart M10: Western Mediterranean (M Series)

( 0.06594438 BCH )

On this edition the chart specification has been improved to show coloured light flashes. There has been general updating throughout.

4 unids Soporte de Teclado Soporte de Teclado pies Patas Kit de reemplazo para Teclado Logitech MK100 K100 Teclado

( 0.04942274 BCH )

- 1. ALTA CALIDAD: Hecho de excelente tecnología y materiales PP, duraderos y fuertes. - 2. CARACTERÍSTICA DE DISEÑO: diseño ergonómico, mantenga su mano en una posición de escritura más natural y cómoda. - 3. FÁCIL DE REEMPLAZAR: puede reemplazar la pata del pie del soporte del teclado dañada, defectuosa y que no funciona. - 4. APLICACIÓN: Adecuado para el teclado Logitech MK100 K100. - 5. PAQUETE: 4 patas de soporte para teclado.

Tamaño: MK100 K100

4 unids Soporte de Teclado Soporte de Teclado pies Patas Kit de reemplazo para Teclado Logitech K120 Teclado

( 0.02982995 BCH )

- 1. ALTA CALIDAD: Hecho de excelente tecnología y materiales PP, duraderos y fuertes. - 2. CARACTERÍSTICA DE DISEÑO: diseño ergonómico, mantenga su mano en una posición de escritura más natural y cómoda. - 3. FÁCIL DE REEMPLAZAR: puede reemplazar la pata del pie del soporte del teclado dañada, defectuosa y que no funciona. - 4. APLICACIÓN: Adecuado para el teclado Logitech K120. - 5. PAQUETE: 4 patas de soporte para teclado.

Tamaño: K120

Build Your Own Metal Working Shop From Scrap (Complete 7 Book Series)

( 0.19044754 BCH )

The classic seven book series by Dave Gingery is now available in a special hard bound edition titled, 'Build Your Own Metal Working Shop From Scrap'. This collector's edition contains the newly updated and complete 7 book series including; The Charcoal Foundry, The Metal Lathe, The Metal Shaper, The Milling Machine, The Dividing Head, The Drill Press and The Sheet Metal Brake. Build Your Own Metal Working Shop From Scrap is a progressive series of seven projects. Beginning with a simple charcoal fired foundry, you produce the castings for building the machine tools to equip your shop. Initially the castings are finished by simple hand methods, but it is not long before the developing machines are doing much of the work to produce their own parts. It does not take long to learn the simple craft of pattern-making and sand molding. Each project phase increases your knowledge and skill. There is no need to look for outside help. You can do it all in your own shop. No complicated math----No exotic equipment required----No large cash outlay. Lots of work to be sure, and some of it can be downright tedious, but the reward will be a practical small scale machine shop that you might never give yourself permission to buy, assuming you could afford it.

The Lost Book of Medical Remedies: Discover The Healing Power of Herbal Remedies Inspired by Barbara O'Neill for Common Ailments to Naturally Improve your Wellness and Lifelong Health

( 0.03920902 BCH )

Tired of the downsides that come with conventional medication? Seeking a holistic approach to cleanse and rejuvenate your system? Need natural, effective solutions for those nagging health concerns? You've landed in the right place if these questions resonate with you! This guide offers comprehensive herbal remedy kits, easy-to-follow recipes for various ailments, and insights into a natural diet, setting you on a transformative journey to wellness and lifelong health. Drawing from Barbara O'Neill's holistic healing wisdom, this book equips you with the essentials for embracing nature's healing powers and proactively managing your health. Learn how to effortlessly integrate medical remedies into your everyday life to boost health and energy. This Guide is Perfect for: * History enthusiasts curious about the evolution of herbal medicine. * Anyone aiming to grasp the methods of herbal preparation, along with its dosage and administration guidelines. * Those in search of nature-derived solutions for common health issues like inflammatory conditions, cardiovascular health, skin conditions, sleep disorders, anxiety and stress, cancer, and pain management. * Readers wanting practical advice on how to easily identify and harvesting herbs safely and ethically. * Individuals seeking knowledge on drying, storing, and preserving herbs. * People seeking to enrich their diets with herbs for nutritional benefits and overall health enhancement. * And so much more! This is your go-to companion for holistic health wisdom, filled with actionable tips, straightforward instructions, and pointers to further your knowledge. Embark on a journey of herbal discovery with Barbara Parrish, who, inspired by Barbara O'Neill's life-changing methods, found healing from health challenges through herbal remedies. DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER!!! Add this treasure-packed book of natural wisdom to your collection today and unlock the power of herbal healing!

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings: 2nd Edition

( 0.07138186 BCH )

MP3 CD Format Widely respected and admired, Philip Fisher is among the most influential investors of all time. His investment philosophies, introduced almost forty years ago, are not only studied and applied by today's financiers and investors, but are also regarded by many as gospel. This book is invaluable for investors and has been since it was first published in 1958. This updated edition retains the investment wisdom of the original edition and includes the perspectives of the author's son Ken Fisher, an investment guru in his own right, in an expanded preface and introduction.

Ikkyu: Crow With No Mouth: 15th Century Zen Master

( 0.03136198 BCH )

An eccentric classic of Zen poetry When Zen master Ikkyu Sojun (1394-1481) was appointed headmaster of the great temple at Kyoto, he lasted nine days before denouncing the rampant hypocrisy he saw among the monks there. He in turn invited them to look for him in the sake parlors of the Pleasure Quarters. A Zen monk-poet-calligrapher-musician, he dared to write about the joys of erotic love, along with more traditional Zen themes. He was an eccentric and genius who dared to defy authority and despised corruption. Although he lived during times plagued by war, famine, rioting, and religious upheaval, his writing and music prevailed, influencing Japanese culture to this day. "Ikkyu scandalized the Zen community of his day and is likely to scandalize some readers even now—his short poems are simultaneously bawdy, abrupt, vulgar, and reverential... It is impossible not to love the velocity and variety of his verse."—The Philadelphia Inquirer "Stephen Berg is exactly the right poet to have translated these poems."—Hayden Carruth, The Hudson Review "A deeply sensual man, Ikkyu had little patience for the fussiness of monastic life and ritual... What is especially appealing about Ikkyu's poetry is the way his sensuality infuses his Zen sensibility."—American Book Review Stephen Berg (1934-2014) was the founder and editor of American Poetry Review. Also available by Stephen Berg Steel Cricket PB $16.00, 1-55659-075-X • CUSA New & Selected Poems PB $12.00, 1-55659-043-1 • CUSA

Bitcoin er harde penger: Et frivillig alternativ til tvang (Norwegian Edition)

( 0.02877246 BCH )

Høsten 2008 holdt deler av det internasjonale finansmarkedet på å kollapse etter en enorm gjeldsboble forårsaket av det tradisjonelle bank- og finanssystemet. Omtrent på samme tidspunkt som det tradisjonelle systemet brukte skattebetalernes penger på å kjøpe finansforetakene fri fra deres egen hensynsløshet – holder en mystisk skikkelse under pseudonymet Satoshi Nakamoto på å utvikle et pengesystem som skal revolusjonere måten penger fungerer på. Den 3. januar, 2009 skrus Bitcoin-nettverket på – og over ti år senere fortsetter nettverket å operere sømløst tross gjentatte erklæringer om at Bitcoin-boblen har sprukket. På tross av alle medieoppslag, er det stadig flere som fatter interesse for Bitcoin som fenomen - og nettverket er sterkere enn noen gang før. Hvorfor eksisterer Bitcoin fremdeles? Og hvorfor kommer Bitcoin tilbake hver gang «boblen» sprekker? Et nødvendig utgangspunkt for å forstå Bitcoin - er å forstå det som penger, og skal vi forstå Bitcoin som penger - må vi forstå hva penger er for noe. I denne boken gir forfatteren en grunnleggende introduksjon til hva penger er, hvilke funksjoner penger har, og et kort innblikk i pengenes evolusjon. Ved å kategorisere Bitcoin som penger vil mange av diskusjonene rundt Bitcoin også bli tydeligere for deg som leser. Du vil få et innblikk i hva Bitcoin er - og hvilke problemer det kan bidra til å løse. «Bitcoin er harde penger» er en introduksjonsbok til deg som har fattet interesse for Bitcoin, og som er klar for en videre reise ned i kaninhullet. Utover å forklare hva Bitcoin er, vil du som leser få et innblikk i de ideologiske idéene som Bitcoin bygger på. I en verden som preges av rekordhøy inflasjon og innskrenking av personlig frihet – har behovet for et frivillig alternativ aldri vært tydeligere. Vi ønsker deg en god reise.

Excess Returns: A comparative study of the methods of the world's greatest investors

( 0.08838377 BCH )

An analysis of the investment approach of the world's top investors, showing how to achieve market-beating returns It is possible to beat the market. Taking this as a starting point, Excess Returns sets out to explore how exactly the most famous investors in the world have done it, year after year, sometimes by huge margins. Excess Returns is not a superficial survey of what investors have said about what they do. Rather, Frederik Vanhaverbeke applies a forensic analysis to hundreds of books, articles, letters and speeches made by dozens of top investors over the last century and synthesises his findings into a definitive blueprint of how exactly these investment legends have gone about their work. Among the legends whose work has been studied are Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Anthony Bolton, Peter Lynch, Charles Munger, Joel Greenblatt, Seth Klarman, David Einhorn, Daniel Loeb, Lou Simpson, Prem Watsa and many more. Among the revealing insights, you will learn of the striking similarities in the craft of great investors, crucial subtleties in their methods that are ignored by many, and the unconscious errors investors commonly make and how these are counter to successful investing. Special attention is given to two often overlooked areas: effective investment philosophy and investment intelligence. The investing essentials covered include: - Finding bargain shares - Making a quantitative and qualitative business analysis - Valuation methods - Investing throughout the business cycle - Timing buy and sell decisions - And much, much more! Excess Returns is full of timeless and practical insights, presented in a unique style, to help investors focus on the most promising opportunities and lead the way to beating the market.

Damn Right! Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger

( 0.08566347 BCH )

Praise For Damn Right! From the author of the bestselling WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS "Charlie Munger, whose reputation is deep and wide, based on an extraordinary record of brilliantly successful business strategies, sees things that others don’t. There is a method to his mastery and, through this book, we get a chance to learn about this rare individual." ――MICHAEL EISNER, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company "Janet Lowe uncovers the iconoclastic genius and subtle charm behind Charlie Munger’s curmudgeonly facade in this richly woven portrait of our era’s heir to Ben Franklin. With a biographer’s detachment, an historian’s thoroughness, and a financial writer’s common sense, Lowe produces a riveting account of the family, personal, and business life of this idiosyncratically complex and endlessly fascinating figure." ――LAWRENCE A. CUNNINGHAM, Cardozo Law School, Author of The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America "For years, Berkshire Hathaway shareholders and investors worldwide (me included) have struggled to learn more about Warren Buffett’s cerebral sidekick. Now we can rest and enjoy reading Janet Lowe’s book about this rare intellectual jewel called Charlie Munger." ――ROBERT G. HAGSTROM, Author of The Warren Buffett Way "Charlie has lived by the creed that one should live a life that doesn't need explaining. But his life should be explained. In a city where heroism is too often confused with celebrity, Charlie is a true hero and mentor. He lives the life lessons that he has studiously extracted from other true heroes and mentors, from Ben Franklin to Ben Graham. This book illuminates those life lessons." ――RONALD L. OLSON, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP "Janet Lowe’s unprecedented access to Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett has resulted in a first-class book that investors, academics, and CEOs will find entertaining and highly useful." ――TIMOTHY P. VICK, Money Manager and Author of How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett

The Book Of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto

( 0.04695143 BCH )

Have you, like the rest of the world, speculated as to the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, anonymous creator of Bitcoin? The world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin went online in 2009 and has since revolutionized our concepts of currency and money. Not supported by any government or central bank, completely electronic, Bitcoin is a virtual currency based on advanced cryptographic systems. Like the currency he created, the identity of Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto is virtual, existing only online. The Nakamoto persona, which may represent an individual or a group, exists only in the online publications that introduced and explained Bitcoin during its earliest days. Here, collected and professionally published for the first time are the essential writings that detail Bitcoin’s creation. Included are * Satoshi Nakamoto Emails and Posts on Computer Forums Presented in Chronological Order * Bitcoin Fundamentals Presented in Layman’s Terms * Bitcoin’s Potential and Profound Economic Implications * The Seminal Paper Which Started It All The Book of Satoshi provides a convenient way to parse through what Bitcoin’s creator wrote over the span of the two years that constituted his “public life" before he disappeared from the Internet ... at least under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. Beginning on November 1st 2009 with the publication of the seminal paper describing Bitcoin, this public life ends at about the time PC World speculated as to a possible link between Bitcoin and WikiLeaks, the infamous website that publishes leaked classified materials. Was there a connection? You be the judge. Nakamoto’s true identity may never be known. Therefore the writings reproduced here are probably all the world will ever hear from him concerning Bitcoin’s creation, workings, and theoretical basis. Want to learn more about Bitcoin? Go directly to the source—the writings of the creator himself, Satoshi Nakamoto!

A Piece of Cake: A Memoir

( 0.06374408 BCH )

There are shelves of memoirs about overcoming the death of a parent, childhood abuse, rape, drug addiction, miscarriage, alcoholism, hustling, gangbanging, near-death injuries, drug dealing, prostitution, or homelessness. Cupcake Brown survived all these things before she’d even turned twenty. And that’s when things got interesting…. You have in your hands the strange, heart-wrenching, and exhilarating tale of a woman named Cupcake. It begins as the story of a girl orphaned twice over, once by the death of her mother and then again by a child welfare system that separated her from her stepfather and put her into the hands of an epically sadistic foster parent. But there comes a point in her preteen years—maybe it’s the night she first tries to run away and is exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sex all at once—when Cupcake’s story shifts from a tear-jerking tragedy to a dark comic blues opera. As Cupcake’s troubles grow, so do her voice and spirit. Her gut-punch sense of humor and eye for the absurd, along with her outsized will, carry her through a fateful series of events that could easily have left her dead. Young Cupcake learned to survive by turning tricks, downing hard liquor, partying like a rock star, and ingesting every drug she could find while hitchhiking up and down the California coast. She stumbled into gangbanging, drug dealing, hustling, prostitution, theft, and, eventually, the best scam of all: a series of 9-to-5 jobs. But Cupcake’s unlikely tour through the cubicle world was paralleled by a quickening descent into the nightmare of crack cocaine use, till she eventually found herself living behind a Dumpster. Astonishingly, she turned it around. With the help of a cobbled together family of eccentric fellow addicts and “angels”—a series of friends and strangers who came to her aid at pivotalmoments—she slowly transformed her life from the inside out. A Piece of Cake is unlike any memoir you’ll ever read. Moving and almost transgressive in its frankness, it is a relentlessly gripping tale of a resilient spirit who took on the worst of contem-porary urban life and survived it with a furious wit and unyielding determination. Cupcake Brown is a dynamic and utterly original storyteller who will guide you on the most satisfying, startlingly funny, and genuinely affecting tour through hell you’ll ever take. When it came time for me to talk, I wasn’t sure which parts of my past to tell, which to keep secret, and which to pretend never happened. Uncle Jr. had already seen the welts on my back, so he wasn’t too surprised when I told them about some of the physical abuse I endured at Diane’s. Everyone else hit the roof, except Daddy. He got really quiet and started balling and unballing his fists. I continued my update. Experience had taught me that adults have trouble accepting the idea of children having sex. I decided that from then on, that part of my life never happened. I picked up the story by telling them about Fly, the Gangstas, and getting shot. I was dying for a cigarette. So it seemed a good time to announce that I smoked cigarettes—and weed. After a moment Sam looked at me, smiled, and handed me one of her Marlboros. I preferred menthols, but beggars can’t be choosers. I kicked back, took a long drag, and closed my eyes. Daddy and Jr. were silent. They seemed a bit shocked and unsure about how to respond. “Well, Cup,” Jr. said, “it’s a little too late to be trying to raise you now. But those cigarettes will kill you. And weed will only lead you to stronger drugs.” He didn’t know how right he was. But for me, it was too late to be worrying about stronger drugs—the only worrying I did was whether I could find a connection to get some. So I just smiled, nodded, and took another hit off my cigarette. The eerie quiet returned. —from A Piece of Cake Also available as a Random House AudioBook and eBook.