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Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All


    MP3 CD Format

    An environmental expert unleashes a scientific, fact-based broadside against eco-alarmism and the excesses of the left, arguing that climate change and other environmental problems are real but not apocalyptic and require practical, not radical, solutions.
    Many environmentalists claim the world as we know it will soon come to an end unless we radically change how we live our lives. They demand we stop eating meat, ban plastics, and significantly reduce how much we drive and fly.

    Climate change is real, says Michael Shellenberger in Apocalypse Never, but it's not the end of the world. It is not even our most serious environmental problem. Most environmental trends, including population, pollution, and resource use, are all going in the right direction.

    The left profits from hyping climate change as apocalypse while opposing obvious solutions. Schemes like ""The Green New Deal"" would transfer wealth to well-connected elites, raise energy costs, and hurt wildlife.

    Poverty, not prosperity, is the real enemy of the environment. We use can produce more food using less land and water, move from wood to coal to natural gas to nuclear, and safely capture and contain plastic waste. But all of that will require standing up to the eco-alarmism in the way of environmental protection.

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